Thursday, October 14, 2010
Mabel Decatur Storer's Wedding, Goodwin Mansion, 1884
Mabel Decatur's holiday wedding, December 30th, 1884, must have been a breathtaking event. Her creme gown, of satin silk weave, embroidered floral brocade, and silver and white embroidered thread would have shimmered in the light of the parlor of the Goodwin Mansion. The silk bodice was well-fitted with darts to hold bone stays. Most likely of imported fabric and sent up from Boston (note the original packing case for the gown). The designer was Richard M. Matthews of Boston, clearly a well-trained professional. The gown would have required at least several fittings. The shoes--astonishingly narrow- are a cream satin with all the drama focused on the bows of the same color.
Gift of Alice Decatur Armsden, #1997.167
Gown, photograph, Tara Vose
Shoes, photograph, Bridget Sciales
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